The Cultural Component of Bible Study

As Christians, we understand the importance of Bible reading and study. But inevitably, there will always be something that trips us up primarily because we don't understand the context of what is being said or happening in a story. We've all been there; we grab a commentary, look up a word, or search the internet … Continue reading The Cultural Component of Bible Study

Bible Reading Encouragement

Many of us are on day four of a bible reading plan, and in a few weeks or months, some of us will ask the question, how can I keep the momentum going? Bible reading isn't a chore or a checklist (even though I check off as I read). Reading the Bible is how we … Continue reading Bible Reading Encouragement

Reading the Bible Devotionally

I frequently post on the importance of Bible study, going deeper into the text, and reading old books. But today, I want to give you some tips to help you read the Bible devotionally. Typically when we think of devotions, we think of a plan on the Bible app or reading a Devotional book. While … Continue reading Reading the Bible Devotionally

Tips for Reading Through the Bible in a Year

It's getting close to the new year, and that means many of us are thinking about reading through the Bible. Some have attempted it before and didn't make it through, and others are doing it again.  There is no magic formula or perfect plan to guarantee that you will make it all the way through … Continue reading Tips for Reading Through the Bible in a Year

Developing a Bible Reading Habit

Have you ever subscribed to a reading plan on your Bible app and not finished it? Do you ever get frustrated reading the Old Testament and end up putting your Bible down? Do you skip Leviticus every year? Does the thought of reading the entire Bible overwhelm you? Do you find yourself not wanting to … Continue reading Developing a Bible Reading Habit

Studying a book of the Bible

Using A Study Bible The most rewarding way to study the Bible for me is to read through a book. If you are doing a book study, I recommend using a MacArthur Study Bible or Zondervan NASB Study Bible to assist you. The MacArthur Bible includes all necessary information for a book study, including; Author, … Continue reading Studying a book of the Bible